Kalmar telegram news 24 May 2023 17:15

24 May 2023, 17:15

Same news in other sources

KalmarKALM #1926
25 May 2023, 07:57
Касательно изменения токеномики $KALM: As a constant effort to balance incentivizing products with competitive APYs and limit farm "freeriders", we currently propose following KALM daily emissions cuts. NFT Wars: 475 (-25) -> 450 Reasoning: slight reduction within the general logic. All LPs: 1150 (-200) -> 950 Reasoning: moderate reduction to incentivize "smarter" voting on auto-compound vaults. Single Stake BNB/FTM/AVAX: 240/240/240 (-10/-50/-50) -> 230/190/190 Reasoning: BNB slight reduction within the general logic; FTM and AVAX moderate reduction to reflect less DAU on those chains. Lend BNB: 35 (-5) -> 30 Lend BUSD 75 (*when resumed -25) -> 50; currently on pause with 0 Reasoning: leveled reductions to further move towards "real yield" (borrowing fees). Borrow BNB (leveraged farms): 100 (-50) -> 50 Borrow BUSD 100 (*when resumed -50) -> 50; currently 0 Reasoning: moderate reductions to further incentivize farmed assets shorting vs KALM farming. *Note: both leveraged yield farming sections are eventually to be switched to vote based rewards like in current LP Wars. Unsold bonds: burn half, recycle another half to treasury for future rewards. Reasoning: to slow down the long time mining reserves burn while keeping the same numbers of bonds to purchase available. General bonds: keeping the same numbers and removing FTM bonds. Reasoning: current numbers accommodate the needs well; FTM bonds were not purchased within several weeks. Total change for the emissions cuts round proposed: -465 kalm/day. The vote is passed if "Yes" gets 50.1%+ of the votes. An adjusted vote to follow up based on the distribution of "No" responses.
Касательно изменения токеномики $KALM:.
Касательно изменения токеномики $KALM: As a constant effort to balance incentivizing products with competitive APYs and limit farm "freeriders", we currently propose following KALM daily emissions cuts. NFT Wars: 475 (-25) -> 450 Reasoning: slight reduction within the general logic. All LPs: 1150 (-200) -> 950 Reasoning: moderate reduction to incentivize "smarter" voting on auto-compound vaults. Single Stake BNB/FTM/AVAX: 240/240/240 (-10/-50/-50) -> 230/190/190 Reasoning: BNB – slight reduction within the general logic; FTM and AVAX – moderate reduction to reflect less DAU on those chains. Lend BNB: 35 (-5) -> 30 Lend BUSD 75 (*when resumed -25) -> 50; currently on pause with 0 Reasoning: leveled reductions to further move towards "real yield" (borrowing fees). Borrow BNB (leveraged farms): 100 (-50) -> 50 Borrow BUSD 100 (*when resumed -50) -> 50; currently 0 Reasoning: moderate reductions to further incentivize farmed assets shorting vs KALM farming. *Note: both leveraged yield farming sections are eventually to be switched to vote based rewards like in current LP Wars. Unsold bonds: burn half, recycle another half to treasury for future rewards. Reasoning: to slow down the long time mining reserves burn while keeping the same numbers of bonds to purchase available. General bonds: keeping the same numbers and removing FTM bonds. Reasoning: current numbers accommodate the needs well; FTM bonds were not purchased within several weeks. Total change for the emissions cuts round proposed: -465 kalm/day. The vote is passed if "Yes" gets 50.1%+ of the votes. An adjusted vote to follow up based on the distribution of "No" responses.
KalmarKALM #1926
25 May 2023, 02:51
If anyone wants to dump large chunk.. don't be stupid and lose money on slippage... DM me for OTC deal.
If anyone wants to dump large chunk. don't be stupid and lose money on slippage. DM me for OTC deal.
If anyone wants to dump large chunk.. don't be stupid and lose money on slippage... DM me for OTC deal.
KalmarKALM #1926
24 May 2023, 19:17
Aaaand… Moving on. KALM emissions reductions proposal is up, share and cast your vote:
Aaaand… Moving on. KALM emissions reductions proposal is up, share and cast your vote:.
Aaaand… Moving on. KALM emissions reductions proposal is up, share and cast your vote: https://twitter.com/KalmyAPP/status/1661451140104597504?s=20
KalmarKALM #1926
24 May 2023, 18:14
No problems identified on any front after more detailed checks. We’ll keep monitoring the situation for the next few days. Stay $KALM, stay SAFU.
No problems identified on any front after more detailed checks. We'll keep monitoring the situation for the next few days.
No problems identified on any front after more detailed checks. We’ll keep monitoring the situation for the next few days. Stay $KALM, stay SAFU.
KalmarKALM #1926
24 May 2023, 17:42
For clarity, pause contracts refers to bonds primarily (to avoid price manipulations); everything is SAFU and transferrable, we so far have identified no issues:
For clarity, pause contracts refers to bonds primarily (to avoid price manipulations).
For clarity, pause contracts refers to bonds primarily (to avoid price manipulations); everything is SAFU and transferrable, we so far have identified no issues: https://twitter.com/KalmyAPP/status/1661427141547008000?s=20
KalmarKALM #1926
24 May 2023, 17:27
Kalmar telegram news 24 May 2023 17:27